Student Scholarship Program
Support of student scholarships provides financial aid and the lifelong gift of Friar Brotherhood to financially deserving students and families. With the hope of enhancing the socioeconomic diversity of our student body, endowing student scholarships ensures that the cost of a Malvern education never deters a student from attending. Below is a list of partially and fully funded Scholarships that you can choose to support.
Alumni Legacy Scholarship | Class of 1996 Scholarship | Holloway Family Scholarship | Quigley Family Scholarship |
Ameche Family Scholarship | Coleman Boylan, Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship | Jacob Blosinski '12 Memorial Scholarship | Thomas F. Swift '78 Award |
Ann S. McDevitt Scholarship | Davenport Family Scholarship | James & Mary Stewart Scholarship | The Gerard A. and Marie Hageney Scholarship |
Basil B. Sullivan '51 Scholarship | Diversity Scholarship | Joseph D. Birle '59 Memorial Scholarship | The James J. Bruder '59 P'91 Memorial Scholarship |
Bruder Family Scholarship | Duffy Augustinian Scholarship | Justin W. Griffiths '08 Memorial Scholarship | The Keating Family Scholarship |
Charles R. Bradley & Rita M. Bradley Family Scholarship | Erika Hornsleth Memorial Scholarship | Joseph L. Kuharich Scholarship Fund | The Paul F. Harron, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship |
Christopher J. O'Mara '84 Memorial Scholarship | Francis J. Loughran, Jr. and M. Curtis Young Scholarship | Lewers Family Scholarship | The Wellshire/Colameco Family Scholarship |
Class of 1961 Scholarship | Gaspare Pellegrini Scholarship | Maggitti Family Scholarship | Thurman Family Scholarship |
Class of 1971 Scholarship | Grandi Family Scholarship | The Mullray Family Scholarship | UNICO Arena Family Scholarship |